Many people in our industry like to define a commercial kitchen as “choreographed chaos”. We love the excitement our chefs bring to work everyday and we often are laughing and sharing stories as we prepare delicious meals. Our chefs share tips and tricks with each other and here are a few of our go-to secrets that can translate to any home kitchen.
1. Master mise en place
“Mise en place” is French for “everything in place.” With this in mind have everything measured, peeled, chopped, etc. and within reach. This will keep you from running around looking for product while your pot is on the stove.
2. Keep your knives sharp
Sharpen your knives on a regular basis. Dull knives are responsible for a lot of injuries in the kitchen and make cutting much more difficult.
3. Taste while you cook
There’s nothing wrong with having a sample of your meal before you serve. You may find that adding a little salt or a dash of spice will bring your dish to perfection.
4. Put a wet paper towel under a cutting board
Cutting boards that slide are not only annoying, they are also very dangerous (especially with that sharp knife!). Wet a paper towel and lay it under the cutting board to prevent it from moving.
5. Clean as you go
This simple tip makes a world of difference. Wipe down your cutting board in between items.